London & Country Mortgages iPhone app 'easy to use'

Date:Thursday 16th September 2010
Author: Susanna Kavka

A representative from London & Country Mortgages has lauded the simplicity of a new iPhone application it has unveiled.

David Hollingworth, a spokesperson for the company, made his comments after the free app was put on the market for consumers to download.

It utilises the London & Country Mortgages one-minute mortgage check to offer a speedy analysis on which deals might be available to people.

"This application provides a wealth of information and easy-to-use mortgage tools, putting it all at our customers' fingertips," Mr Hollingworth was quoted as saying.

Another benefit of the application is that it allows people to see what impact interest rate changes have on home finance deals.

For individuals keen to find out more information from the organisation there is also a blog feature.

London & Country Mortgages is not the only financial institution to release an iPhone application, with Legal & General recently unveiling one such programme that doubles as a panic alarm.